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Monday, January 3, 2011
5:04 PM


Which criteria will i use to evalute stomp.com would be the presentation and arrangement of it website.
Why i choose this criteria is because, first of all it atrract attention.With the front page of the latest and intresting news about singaporean and their act. Second will be the organisation of the menu buttons. For the first timer who were to look at the stomp website, will not get lost or confused with all kind of buttons they having. Thirdly on why i choose the criteria because, it have all kind of images, appropriate advertisment and to sum everything up, it easy to read and to understand.
So that why presentation and arrangement are the criteria to evaluate stomp.com

What i have learn from this activity

This practical basically teaches me on how to evalute website accordingly. Usually for me whenever i go to any website, i would just read and look without thinking of evaluating the website. The resons why we have to evaluate a website, is for us to know how realiable, how useful the website is. That the reasons why it important to evaluate and give the criteria about the website, so i knw what is this website is all about.

posted by Haikal @ 5:04 PM  0 comments

4:41 PM

Searching using a datbase or an invisible datbase is another way to search for information on the web. Althought it does not have the information on my research topic but atleast it have all kind of information for any other topic.
To search on my diploma, i would prefer using school datbase because it have the informtion about what are the diploma is about and all other information about the course. Not that other search engine doesnt have the information about the diploma. But at least if i were to used school datbase, it will be more specific in term of what are the subject that i really want to search on.

posted by Haikal @ 4:41 PM  0 comments

8:30 AM

posted by Haikal @ 8:30 AM  0 comments

Monday, November 29, 2010
5:00 PM

Reflection Week 5

Today in week 5 i was introduced to another 2 more serach engine. Which is Meta search and subject directory. Usually if i want to search for my research or any other stuff, the most website i would use, would be google.com or yahoo.com.

Benefits that i get from having so many option to do my search is that i can get so many suggestion sites rather than limited sites. For directory search, it will simplified for our search. It have a folder to catergorize it. Example if i want to search about soccer, the folder that i have to click will be sports folder. Then it will leads me to the thing that i want to search on.

How i feel having a site feed in my blog.
My blog can now be links with all my friends blog or any other websites. By having the link up pages, i will not have a problem remembering my friends blog.All i have to do (if i want to read on my friends blog) is just by clicking his name on my blog and it will directly link me up to my friends blog.

What i like best about collabration with other student doing the same topic as me.
They all do the same topic as i am. So to share ideas and research is the best way for us to actually come out with the best results for the topic search. Example for me, i doing about youth spending habits. At first i didnt know what are the thing that i have to research on or what are the thing that i have to know about the topic. By collabration, we actually can look at each other research and work on it. Meaning i can now know what are the key factors of youth spending habits.

posted by Haikal @ 5:00 PM  0 comments

Sunday, November 28, 2010
7:02 AM

Reflection on Virtual Shopping Spree on Second Life

I choose Rossa island as my place to do my shopping.
Here are the some of the snapshots i taken from second life....

Start of my journey....

This is the first building that i step in. Inside this building it sells some animation moves and walk replacers.
I decided to do my shopping in this building. In this building they sell various type of stuff in it.

I wanted to buy a fishing rod in it.

Then i realize that i dont have enough cash in second life. ):

What i like about this shopping spreed in second life compare to the real-life internet shopping, is that i get involve in this shopping. If in the other online shopping, we usually use mouse to click what we wanted to buy from the internet. But in this second life, we actually inside the cyber and can choose what are the thing that we want. It like we actually getting involved in the second life and if there someone in the second life, we can interact with them and ask them about their opinion on the stuff that we wanted to buy.

BUT whenever, there's a good points, there will always have it bad points. For the only problem that i have to face while shopping inside the second life, would be to move from one point to another point. Maybe because, my computer abit slow, so my character in the second life would also move slow. The other problem maybe because i'm not familiar with the second life yet and that the resons why i have difficulties in accessing the second life.
To me E-learning is not the best way to learned thing. One thing, i weak in reading and following instruction without someone explain thing to me. So for me to read and to understand by myself is the worst thing that you ever want me to do. So for this second life, i have to asked help from my friends to explain what i have to do.
The most difficulties that i have to overcome in this second life is to try and the the shopping in second life without understanding how to start second life.

posted by Haikal @ 7:02 AM  0 comments

Sunday, November 21, 2010
10:07 PM

Google.com, a website that everyone uses it to do research, to find stuff and many more. Google search function helps me alot in finding research for my projects. All i have to do is just type down what i want in the google box search, den click search. All the information that i want to know will appear on the window. It that simple. If to asked me if i'm impress with the google function, i will say yes. It simple to use. And i can use it every days.

My topic for my research is "trends of spending habits of youths".
I joined a forum for this topic. It a universal forum where all the country join in this forum. It helped me alot in my reserach. Because we asked question in the forum rather then we search the google for the answer. What we asked in the forum, they will reply back what we answer. So to me it really help me in my topic.

posted by Haikal @ 10:07 PM  0 comments

9:37 PM

Iphone 4
Iphone 4 is the latest Iphone that apple had produced. It has 960-by-640 backlit LCD display. It is 5 megapixel camera and have a HD video.
The resons why i wanted to buy myself an Iphone 4 is because, it the latest phone that you can get on the market. Eventhough the price can reach up to S$1000, i still would consider getting the phone as it have so many intresting features in it.
I choose ebay for my online shopping . The resons mainly because I can get stuff that i want at a very low price. ebay is actually a place for us to bid the price that we want. Example if i want Iphone, the starting price can start from as low as $400 at can reach up to $1000+? It depends on how many people bids on the product.
What i have learnt today:
  • Identify the purpose of my search
  • categories the resource name

posted by Haikal @ 9:37 PM  0 comments

all about ME.

Muhammad Haikal
Diploma in Media & Communication Technology
School of Engineering, Temasek Polytechnic


To love and be loved by *her
Own a Toyota Rush




Image edits & Layout: -crazyskin
Image from: bazzard